outfit from newtown market

This stylish lady told me she got her outfit from today’s newtown market. Love the hat.
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Emily the creator of Wantingsocks

I met Emily today, the creator of wantingsocks. She studies science, loves vintage, flowers and colours. She makes me want to experiment with colours more. It was great meeting you!IMG_4570x IMG_4574x IMG_4567x

birthday costume party

IMG_4557xI saw them walking out of the comic costume store in Newtown. They were all dressed up to celebrate a friend’s birthday. A cheery and lovely group!

alpha60 dress!

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rita in Gorman jacket

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beautiful Jie

IMG_4494x IMG_4496xEach time I ran into Jie she looked more beautiful and radiant.

italian ladle

IMG_4393xxA newly acquired italian ladle for my dear cousin james. It can be a okay piece of accessory in this photo : )

a night of italian cooking

Thanks to my friend Chris I was at Cucina Italiana Cooking School for a full on Italian feast! We made pumpkin and beetroot tortelli, chicken scaloppine and semifreddo al caffe dessert. Chef Luciana has a beautiful Italian kitchen and dining room. We spent a good four hours cooking, eating and drinking.  It was just such a lovely evening meeting all the people there who love cooking.

IMG_4265x IMG_4279x Chef LucianaIMG_4300xIMG_4252xMaking pasta dough from scratch, lots and lots of gentle and lyrical body sway : )
IMG_4257x IMG_4272x Extra virgin olive oil in a cute bottle with a cute cork. Love the taste of freshly pressed olives. IMG_4298x IMG_4312x IMG_4336xIMG_4323x IMG_4348x IMG_4328x IMG_4342x Can’t remember the name of this pasta. It takes very gentle and delicate wrapping and rolling just to make a tiny one of them. Everyone cheered when one was born. IMG_4362x IMG_4370xTortelli Di Zucca – pumpkin and beetroot tortelli. DEVINE!
IMG_4376x Dessert tastes like velvet. IMG_4385xGoing through the book written by Luciana.